Pat Fischer
One of the least obvious of the celebrity regulars at Riordan’s Restaurant was a mild mannered insurance salesman by day and ProBowler Redskin Cornerback on Sunday. He was Pat Fischer. He came in frequently for breakfast. He was always nicely dressed in a suit and tie. I waited on this attractive insurance salesman multiple times before Marion Curtis, an extraordinary coworker and friend, told me it was, indeed, the legendary cornerback. (There had been rumours).
Pat Fischer is probably the most successful of the few successful NFLplayers whose diminutive size helped him move so quickly on the field.
Over the Years we had seen several players from the Redskins Roster come thru the door. I remember seeing Quarterback Harry Theofiledes in the big corner booth of Riordan’s dining room. He was a lively personality, holding court. His booth was filled with friends and other interested parties, other dining room patrons and employees.
I remember that day because Harry had a great smile and everyone else was smiling with him.
Thanks for the memories.